Saturday, February 13, 2010

kII Synth Demonstration

Youtube description - This is a technical demonstration of the kII SpeakJet Application v0.2.4
This might be only interesting for people who want to rebuild this project. See

The harmonisation features, base-note listening and scale settings are demonstrated at the beginning.
The first part shows synth sounds, with and without Enveloped OSCs and varies combinations of waveforms applied to a subtractive sound-synthesis together with waveforms of the envelope. I know the waveforms are a bit blurry, but one sees when it's changing (there are SINE, SAW, TRIANGLE, SQUARE).

In the late mid-part I am playing the HandTrackerMatrix (see ) on different channels. CHannels 11 to 16 are experimental and show a work-in-progress. The black bar at the top right shows the quantize value (1/4, 1/8, 1/16 or 1/32 notes).

The first part (synth) is played on a keyboard (microKONTROL), the second part (voice and experimental) on the handtracker sensor matrix.

The project is released as open source (non-commercial!) on
More informations on my homepage

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